A+ Adventure Club - Weekly Sessions

27 December 2022, 00:00 - 11:30 ( Add to calendar )

UPDATE: Adventure Club is starting up again on Tuesday September 13th.

It will run every term time Tuesday until December 13th 2022.

And then January 10th - March 28th 2023.

The £5.00 per session payment can be made here or on arrival.


Adventure Club is our Tuesday after school club for 8-12 year olds

We run our activities including; climbing, archery, fencing and bush craft and more, as well as fun youth group games.

Our sessions run in 4 parts, starting with 15 mins of burning energy (usually playing football with a bean bag or duck duck goose). Then we start our main activity, somewhere in the middle we stop for hot chocolate and the 'God bit', where hear a short story from the Bible. Then for the last 20 mins we carry on with the activity for the day.

Our New Times

Due to our ever increasing popularity at our fun club, we have decided to split into two groups, so you can now choose to come to either:

16:45 - 1800

18:15 - 19:30

We meet at Adventure Plus in the Sports Hall

This is the bookings page for our weekly Adventure Club sessions.

The first session for new participants is free and after that is £5 per session.

(If you are new/this is your first time, find my email below and ask for a discount code)

For the safety of all the children in our care it is really important that we have a child health form on record for each of them. If you haven't already submitted one to us please download one here.

Child Consent Form

If you love Adventure Club and want to do more activities like Kayaking, Canoeing, Biking and more, why not book onto our Easter Holiday!

Find us at: 

Adventure Plus,
Main Street,
Oxfordshire, OX18 2SN

For enquiries contact me @ tom.g@adventureplus.org.uk

Registration Types

Name Price Quantity

Adventure Club Weekly Session - 16:45

Price £5.00 Quantity None Available

Adventure Club Weekly Session - 18:15

Price £5.00 Quantity None Available

Adventure Club 4 sessions - 16:45

Price £17.50 Quantity None Available

Adventure Club 4 sessions - 18:15

Price £17.50 Quantity None Available